Growing collard greens in containers

Raising kale eco-friendlies in containers

Let me reveal you how to begin Growing Collard Greens In Containers. It really is that basic, you will see.

1. Select a container for your turnip or collard greens. For optimum development, the container should be 12 inches deep and big enough to hold approximately one gallon of soil for each plant.

Your container might be glazed ceramic, plastic or terra-cotta, but it should have drain holes or your greens will suffer root rot.

2. Fill the pot with potting soil.

The soil does not need to be especially implied for veggies or seed starting but must include a mix of raw material such as garden compost and mineral matter like perlite to use the plants nutrients and great drain.

Prevent using garden soil unless it is plentiful in organic matter and drains pipelines well

3. Plant your turnip and collard green seeds 1/2-inch deep in your soil-filled containers.

Considering that turnip and collards select cool temperature levels, place the containers outside in a brilliant area; there is no need to start the seeds inside your home.

Keep the soil wet but not damp and the seeds will grow within 10 to 2 week.

4. Thin the seedlings once they reach 3 to 4 inches high. Collards should be thinned to one plant for every single single 10 inches of location, but turnips can be spaced as close as 4 inches apart.==>Click here


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